How do I get a job on campus?
A limited number of student jobs are available on campus, with work schedules planned around student class schedules. Eligibility is determined by the Dalton State Financial Aid Office based upon a completed FAFSA and a Campus Employment Application.
Students offered Federal Work Study on their initial award letter may begin seeking an on-campus student work position prior to the beginning of the Fall Semester. Students not initially awarded Federal Work Study may inquire about on-campus jobs by contacting the Office of Financial Aid. Job openings are posted on the Campus Jobs Board in Memorial Hall and online at Handshake.
Who qualifies to work on campus?
Students enrolled at least half-time who are making financial aid Satisfactory Academic Progress and are otherwise eligible to receive federal aid qualify to work on campus. Students with financial need may be employed under the Federal Work Study Program. Students without financial need may be employed under the Campus Work Study Program.
Federal Work Study
Students with financial need are invited to look for an on-campus job through the DSCareer Connect online job portal, where they will find a complete listing of available student work positions. Job listings are also posted on the Campus Jobs Board in Gignilliat Memorial Hall.
America Reads program
The America Reads program is an off-campus work opportunity for qualified students; this job places students as reading tutors at a Dalton elementary school. The America Reads program is a great opportunity for an elementary education major in their first or second year of study.
Campus Work Study
Students who do not have financial need may work under the Campus Work Study Program. Interested students may seek and apply for Campus Work Study jobs throughout the academic year, as funds are available. Job openings are posted on the Campus Jobs board in Memorial Hall and online at DSCareer Connect.
How much will I be paid?
Student workers are paid every other week for hours worked. Students may work up to 19 hours per week, and earn the Federal Minimum Wage, which is $9.25 per hour.
Total earnings for the year are limited by funding available in the Federal and Campus Work Study budgets; earnings in the Federal Work Study Program cannot exceed financial need. Student workers are not eligible for unemployment compensation and other employee benefits.
Advantages on working on campus
Students eligible for Federal Work Study (based on financial need), may subtract work study wages from income when they complete the federal aid application (FAFSA) for the next academic year. In contrast, wages earned off-campus or in the Campus Work Study Program are reported as income when re-applying for financial aid.
There are other advantages to working on-campus. Studies have shown that students working on-campus are more likely to stay in school because they make connections on campus. Students may also find work that is related to their major area and develop valuable references for their resume.
Have questions?
We’ll be happy to answer any questions you have, as well as assist you in searching for scholarship opportunities, both within and outside Dalton State, and your applications.
Office of Student Financial Aid and Veteran Services
- 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM
- 706-272-4545
- Westcott Hall